Discover the Universe

Aes Sedai
The Aes Sedai are a powerful group of women in The Wheel of Time who can channel the One Power, a mystical energy source divided into the male half (Saidin) and the female half (Saidar). Only women can safely use Saidar after the male half of the Power was tainted by the Dark One, leading to madness in male channelers. The Aes Sedai reside in the White Tower in Tar Valon and are organized into seven Ajahs, each dedicated to a specific purpose. They play a key role in global politics, prophecy, and the fight against the Dark One, though they are often mistrusted and feared by ordinary people due to their secretive nature and immense power.

The Dark One and His Army
The Dark One, also known as Shai'tan, is the primary antagonist in The Wheel of Time series. An evil cosmic force imprisoned outside of reality, the Dark One seeks to break free and remake the world in its image. Its influence corrupts individuals, twisting them into Darkfriends who serve its cause. The Dark One's ultimate goal is to break the Wheel of Time itself, ending the cycle of rebirth and plunging the world into eternal darkness. Its power grows as the Last Battle approaches, challenging the forces of Light and the prophesied Dragon Reborn in an epic struggle for the fate of all existence.

The True Power
The True Power is a dangerous and unique force in The Wheel of Time universe, granted directly by the Dark One. It is separate from the One Power, which is drawn from the True Source and used by Aes Sedai, Asha'man, and other channelers. The True Power is far more potent, but also much more dangerous. Only those who are completely devoted to the Dark One and have proven themselves (like the Forsaken) are allowed access to the True Power. Even then, the Dark One can withdraw the privilege at will.